Bahrain Liquidity Fund Significantly Boosts Bourse Turnover


Securities & Investment Company (SICO), licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain as a conventional wholesale bank, announced today that since its launch in June 2016, the US 100 million Bahrain Liquidity Fund has contributed to a substantial increase in volumes traded on the Bahrain Bourse.

Immediately following its launch, the Fund made a significant impact, with turnover on the Bourse improving by 67 per cent over the first five months of 2016. The Fund’s total contribution to turnover for the whole year was 65 per cent, with average daily traded value improving noticeably. The value of turnover for the Bahrain Bourse grew by 2 per cent in 2016, in sharp contrast to the decline posted by all other GCC markets, with the majority witnessing a reduction of between 20 and 30 per cent.

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